naked simpanse

what a naked simpanse...., this picture was taken at gemberiloka zoo, one of the biggest in zoo at indonesia (doesnt matter is right or wrong - i dont care) is already good enough, so you can bring you family together to enjoy weekend and see animals behind bar...
is fine by me, iso - dont have any zoo at all at this city.
i think gembiraloka zoo is worth to visit,... its quite good, but..... for dangdut show... i dont have any comment... for some people they are really enjoy the show, for me dont ever mentioned... tq deh.

location photo taken at gembiraloka zoo in jogja



2/26/2007 2:46 PM

Banyak orang gak tau kalo jalan2 ke gembira loka di hari kerja sangat menyenangkan karena masih sepi. jangan lupa membawa kacang2 dan sayur2an tuk para hewan2. Jalan2lah bersama teman2, pasti bakal lebih menyenangkan lagi, trust me..
Dino's Journal

  Dino Blogs

5/03/2007 7:00 AM

thanks dino, silahkan mampir lagi ke sini ya