Jogja Beach

Parangtritis Beach
Parangtritis has been famous for long, not only as a beach resort where sand dunes, sandy beach and rocky cliffs meet, but it is also a historical place which closely to the mysterious legend of the Queen of the South Sea (Kanjeng Ratu Kidul). Kanjeng Ratu Kidul, who together with her trusted right-hand person, the feared Nyi Roro Kidul the ever youthful and beautiful queen reign over sea nymphs and spirits. The legends say that Kanjeng Ratu Kidul was married to one of the Mataram Monarch, Panembahan Senopati, whom she visited and communicated with on certain occasions. It is said that the name Parangtritis expresses a natural phenomenon. From the wall of one of the hills drops off water containing calcium, wich is continuously dripped down and finally formed a pool with a very clear water in it. Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono VII found and took care of this formed pool. The pool now is functioning as the bathing pool of Parangtritis swimming pool.

Located about 27 km from Yogyakarta, there are two routes to reach Parangtritis :
First route: Yogyakarta Kretek Parangtritis. All shorts of vehicles can smoothly travel on this road directly to the beach. Those who are interested to travel by bus can take a bus at Umbulharjo station in Yogyakarta.
Second route: Yogyakarta Imogiri Siluk Parangtritis. This route has 35 km in distance and connected with a sequence of tourism route consisting of the both Royal Cemetery, Kotagede and Imogiri. This route offers very beautiful scenery : a combination between river and range of this road directly to the beach. Those who are interested to travel by bus can take a bus at Umbulharjo station in Yogyakarta.

Krakal Beach
To get to Krakal beach you have to pass Wonosari, the capital of the Gunungkidul Regency, about 38 km from Yogyakarta. The winding and mountainous road is well asphalted. Krakal is about 21 km from Wonosari. Located at 7 km eastern side of the road where branches off the main road crossing limestone hills with their harsh appearance alternated with terraced rocks which all presents enchanting scenery to Baron beach. Geologists say that a long time ago, this place was lies below sea level. In the remaining coral bed, many fossils can still be found. Among all the beaches that stretch along the coast of Java, Krakal with its white sandy beach surrounded with mountainous rocky hills is may be the most beautiful beach in Yogyakarta. Meanwhile, the battering of its gigantic waves in a mass of white foam gives more enchantment in enjoy relaxing atmosphere in this beach. It has attracted many tourism-planning experts from foreign countries. They suggest that it should be prepared as a beach resort, particularly for foreign tourists (like Nusa Dua resort in Bali). Their interest in exploring Krakal is supported by its attractive potentials such as : a sloping and white sandy beach stretching out for about 5 km. There is always warm sunshine from dawn until the twilight comes during the whole dry and rainy season. The sea wind always blowing softly. As a whole, it is most suitable for sun bathing. It also offers a shade and a multi-coloured marine growth.
Krakal is close to kukup beach and Baron cove. This cove is in fact an estuary of an underground river that comes up exactly at the waterfront. It is interesting to observe the combination of the beach and the cove from the protruding rocky hills that flank the caves on both sides.


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